We’re a group of creatives who just so happen to be massive film lovers. Some of us are in the film industry, some are students, but all of us share a collection passion for cinema.
We provide training and development opportunities, coaching in web content publishing, SEO copywriting, social media marketing and the potential for conducting interviews, writing film reviews and feature articles.
If you’re just embarking in a career in film and have the ability to contribute to our podcast as a presenter, video/sound editor, we can provide IMDb credits too!
Interested in joining us? Get in touch and we’ll see if we can work something out! We’re always looking for new talent such as writers, presenters, transcribers, video and sound editors.

karl maier
video editor
Dancer, teacher, choreographer, and video editor. My passion is finding the heart of the story and exploring its evolution and development.

Writer, podcaster, cinema fiend, drive-in mutant, kung fu fanatic, horror hound, vulgar auteur, and sometimes human being. I’ve been writing about cinema for over ten years now, dedicating my time to all genre cinema. Co-creator of Blood Brother Film Reviews and co-host of the No Franchise Fatigue podcast.

jeremy scott
I have been writing and creating since I was a kid, and decided when I grew up to put some of those words onto paper, some of those spoken discussions online, whatever their worth might be. I live in Finland with my girlfriend, speak a bunch of languages and enjoy doing most of the things I do when I'm not stuck in the house.